
Introducing accessiBe - The World's #1 Website Accessibility Integration!

February 20, 2023

I know what you’re thinking – accessiBe is a typo and we missed the “L” in the word “accessible”, but, I pinky swear, we’ve got it right! Now that we’ve got that out of the way…


AccessiBe is the #1 web accessibility integration that Jollity recently began offering to our clients. accessiBe provides website solutions for both WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) & ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliance.

This means your website will be readily available to people with a variety of disabilities.


Providing accessibility for disabled individuals began in brick-and-mortar shops, with requirements like wheelchair ramps, but with the number of people using the internet, accessibility is being implemented across the web.

This is where accessiBe comes in to save the day. The best part is that, if any of accessiBe's functionalities don’t suit your website visitors’ disability, users can customize settings for color contrast, text magnification, sound, and more!


Mandatory? No (not yet, at least). A great idea? Yes. Now that we've laid out some indispensable reasons highlighting the importance of website accessibility – and the imminent transition from physical (ADA) to digital (WCAG) legislation – it’s simple to see that not complying with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines may be litigated en masse.

Think of accessiBe as the www equivalent of a wheelchair ramp to your website, providing not only convenience and confidence in ALL your potential customers, but also providing a golden ticket for avoiding the growing number of active and settled lawsuits. Don't wait until you're in a "Better Call Saul" situation, before taking advantage of the solution!


We know you care about the end-user experience, which is why we do, too. That's one of the reasons we've made this integration a priority for every site we develop! As a trusted partner of accessiBe, Jollity offers our clients a 20% discount on the typical $490 annual fee, making this accessibility integration only $392/year. We wanted this integration to be as affordable – and accessible (pun intended) – as possible for our small and large clients alike.

In fact, Jollity does not profit from or markup this discounted cost - period. Moreover, accessiBe's integration is so important to us, we make our clients sign a waiver should they decline installation.


Just like the Regional Manager, Michael Scott, once taught us all: There is a win-win-win scenario. AccessiBe accomplishes that for all parties involved.

The best part is, integrating this forward-thinking safety net doesn't only solve a looming problem, it does so without disrupting the website experience for your 99.61% sighted website visitors! If you’re interested in accessiBe’s integration, please reach out to us at [email protected], thanks!

Hannah Novak Administrative Specialist

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