How to Clear Your Cache in Chrome

April 22, 2021

Tech support tell you to clear your browser cache? Here’s how. It takes less than 5 seconds once you know how! While it seems simple, there are a lot of settings you need to get right to make the cache clear effective. Example used in this video is the Chrome browser.

The instructions below are a great set of notes to supplement the video above.

  1. In Chrome, from the top menu bar select “Chrome.”
  2. From the menu that appears, select “Clear Browsing Data.”
  3. From the popup that appears, toggle the top tab to “Advanced.”
  4. Set the timeframe to “all time”.
  5. Uncheck all the boxes except “cached images and files.”
  6. Click the blue “Clear data” button at the bottom right of the pop-up window.

Phew! You did it!

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